Our work at UBC is focused on enhanced support for program redesign around competencies; the development of problem-solving experiences; technology-enabled learning; continued growth in work-integrated education. Sustained progress requires leadership across the institution to model, inspire and celebrate excellence in teaching and mentorship.
To create an immersive learning experience that fosters competencies identified by faculties and departments as critical to the discipline, a curriculum map can be an effective way to visualize the program structure, list of courses, teaching and learning activities, and assessment practices. This “integrative and sustainable” (Kalu & Dyjur, 2018) process is collaborative and geared towards student success.
Our Solution
This customizable online tool is a vehicle to curriculum mapping and alignment. The information presented after completing the tool’s wizard should allow instructors and departments make informed decisions to enhance the course/program as well as the overall student experience and learning.
Our Goals
UBC Okanagan is committed to providing the highest quality of education to all students. This means ongoing work for continuous improvement and innovation of teaching and learning practices across disciplines.
This website aims to support this commitment by providing all instructors with a tool to ideate, create, and evaluate new or already existing courses and programs, using backward design and constructive alignment perspectives. Engaging in this important exercise benefits students, instructors, and our overall communities.
Learn more about UBC Okanagan’s efforts towards quality assurance and enhancementMeet Our Team
Dr. Anita Chaudhuri
English and Cultural Studies
Faculty Consultant
Dr. Bowen Hui
Computer Science
Tech Consultant
Janine Hirtz
Centre of Teaching and Learning
Curriculum Consultant
Laura Prada
Office of the Provost and VPA
Project Manager
Abdelmuizz Yusuf (Muizz)
Undergraduate Developer
Jia Fei LuoZheng (Jeffrey)
Undergraduate Developer
Damyn Filipuzzi
Undergraduate Developer
Daulton Baird
Tech Lead/Undergraduate Developer
Kieran Adams
Undergraduate Developer
Carrie Hunter
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Curriculum Consultant
Michael Ogden
Centre of Teaching and Learning
Maintenance and Support Developer
Funded by the UBC Okanagan Office of the Provost and Vice President Academic.
Inspired by and based on UCalgary’s tool Curriculum Links.
Questions ?
If you have questions about the Curriculum MAP, please contact at the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UBC Okanagan campus.
The code supporting this tool is available as open source software. Tell us if you are using it for your own project by completing this short form.